Monday 12 November 2007

Barbie vs Sindy

Growing up in Lancashire during the 70s, Barbie was not my doll of choice. Sindy was. Barbie was unfeasibly skinny, wore too much make up and worst of all, American. Sindy was chunkier, fresh faced and British. Her horse riding accessories were also far superior. Sindy was also manufactured by "Pedigree" thus confirming that she was dead posh. Walking down the aisles of Toys 'r' Us is not for the faint-hearted lesbian about town. There are children. Obviously. There's also far too much pink (I never thought I'd ever say that). Sadly, Sindy seems to have disappeared off into the great landfill sight in the sky, no doubt minus an arm. Barbie seems to have lost weight since the 70's but still has a wide range of princess and bridal outfits However, to give Barbie her due, she has recognised that princesses need a proper job. You can now get "career girl Barbie" and "pet doctor Barbie". Why they can't just call her a vet, I have no idea. However, you can't buy a Barrister Barbie. Admittedly, this is probably because the clothes are not conducive to sparkles and the wig would be a nightmare to manufacture. However, I like the idea of being unique and priceless, so for the purposes of this blog, I have cast aside narrow prejudices and nationalism and so "Barrister Barbie" is born. Obviously, I would have preferred to be "Barrister Sindy" but it just doesn't sound right. "Solicitor Sindy" has the right degree of alliteration but I'm not a solicitor. It also conjures up a very unfortunate image involving thigh boots, pvc hot pants and a boob tube which Sindy would never have dreamed of wearing. Unlike Barbie.

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